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The Hello World Project From G&K Give and Keep

Saying hello to somebody in their own language when you first meet them is one of the simplest ways of creating the most wonderful smile in another person and an instant connection filled with respect.
Sam has the amazing ability to create an instant connection with someone when meeting them for the first time not only with a kind smile but also with a warm heart and open heart helping them feel at ease.
Sam has also noticed that when meeting somebody who speaks a different language for the first time, saying hello in their language seems to create a priceless smile.
With this is mind, the G&K crew have been hard at work to put together The Hello World Project http://thehelloworldproject.global/ where you can see Sam saying hello in over 108 global languages.
Please feel free to use Sam to say hello to somebody who speaks a different language to you wherever they may be in the world.
Here are some simple suggestions to help more so the 'fully grown' part of the population to help you get started in saying hello. The following tips may also be good for anyone who may have lost their confidence perhaps or just wants to connect with more people in their world:
- Every encounter is a little different so best to stay as flexible as possible with your initial hello approach
- Making gentle eye contact is usually a good way to gauge whether someone will be open to saying hello and so if you get the impression at this stage the other person really does not want to say hello then simple give them a silent hello filled with a smile from the heart and simply send in their direction wishing the best for them (in your mind)
- If the other person acknowledges you at the point of making eye contact and you feel they are a little hesitant to say hello, just go in steady with your hello so as not to overwhelm them.
- If the other person is wide eyed and really open to saying hello then absolutely go for it and enjoy the exchange of hello's.
- Don't take rejection personally. It might be that the other person is going though something heavy and doesn't have the strength or energy at that time to say hello. Rather than carry negative thoughts in your mind again just be like Sam and smile from your heart and send them the very best for their journey. If anything it's good Karma for you.
- Develop your ability to say hello in different languages by practicing one new language a week perhaps and repeating util you are comfortable with the hello before moving onto the next.
- Most importantly, it's best not to have any expectations of the other person and simply give your hello from your heart without expecting anything more form the other person.
- Stay light and stay free like Sam :)